Central Knitting Group
The Central Knitting Group is starting back up! Join us in the Fellowship Hall after worship on June 9 to knit together, share ideas about how to focus our work and where to donate the lovely things our hands create, and peruse the stock of yarn and tools folks have donated to the group. All are welcome, and experienced knitters are happy to help beginners get started.
Third Sunday Lunch
Join us for another delicious catered lunch by Chef Barb Westman and her team of volunteers in the lower level dining room following worship this day.
A free will donation of $10 per adult is suggested, although no one is turned away for lack of funds to donate. Vegetarian options are available - simply speak with kitchen staff for this option.
Volunteer with St. Paul Opportunity Center
On Saturday, May 10 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., 8 to 10 volunteers are needed to serve lunch and help with meal prep at the St. Paul Opportunity Center, part of Catholic Charities and located at 422 Dorothy Day Place, St. Paul, MN 55102. Visit the Catholic Charities website to create an account (or log in) and register.
Women's Networking Group
On Monday, May 6 the Women’s Networking Group is heading to Erta Ale Ethiopian Restaurant & Bar, located in Lowertown near CHS Field.
If you are able to join us, please RSVP to women@centralforgood.org by May 4. Meet us at Central at 5:10 p.m. and walk to the restaurant (0.8 miles), or meet us at Erta Ale at 5:30 p.m. We hope you join us!
Children & Youth End-of-Year Party
Central youth leaders and families are heading to the Shoreview Water Park after worship on Sunday for an end-of-year party! Please contact Jennifer if you’d like to join; we have a limited number of tickets available.

Faith Formation
Does the Bible still matter? Does it make a case for social justice? And if it does, how do we read it in a way that helps us understand God’s intentions for the world? We will explore this topic, including what the Bible does (and does not) say about it, and how to read the Bible holistically to help us navigate some of the most consequential issues of our time.
Garden Work Day
Our next work day will be Saturday, May 4 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. There are many garden tasks, so if you would like to help, please contact the office to volunteer. Our goal is to make the front landscape inviting and welcoming for all.
Inquirer's Class for New Members
All new members are asked to participate in an Inquirers’ class. Even for the life-long Presbyterian, participation in this class is a chance to connect with others who are new, get to know the pastor, and learn about the many opportunities for fellowship and service that are unique to this congregation.
Classes are offered periodically throughout the year. This class is for people:
who want to get more involved at Central.
who want to meet other people who are part of the Central community.
who want to learn more about the mission of Central as well as its past, present, and future.
who want to reflect on their faith journey.
who may be or are ready to join Central as a member.
We begin with lunch, share and learn about others, take a tour, ask questions and explore the role of faith in our lives. Childcare is provided, if needed. If you are interested in becoming a member of Central Presbyterian Church, we invite you to speak with our pastor to learn more about the process.
Third Sunday Lunch
Join us for a delicious catered lunch by Chef Barb Westman and her team of volunteers in the lower level dining room following worship this day.
A free will donation of $10 per adult is suggested, although no one is turned away for lack of funds to donate. Vegetarian options are available - simply speak with kitchen staff for this option.

Faith Formation
Does the Bible still matter? Does it make a case for social justice? And if it does, how do we read it in a way that helps us understand God’s intentions for the world? We will explore this topic, including what the Bible does (and does not) say about it, and how to read the Bible holistically to help us navigate some of the most consequential issues of our time.
Third Sunday Lunch
Join us for another delicious catered lunch by Chef Barb Westman and her team of volunteers in the lower level dining room following worship this day.
A free will donation of $10 per adult is suggested, although no one is turned away for lack of funds to donate. Vegetarian options are available - simply speak with kitchen staff for this option.

Faith Formation
Does the Bible still matter? Does it make a case for social justice? And if it does, how do we read it in a way that helps us understand God’s intentions for the world? We will explore this topic, including what the Bible does (and does not) say about it, and how to read the Bible holistically to help us navigate some of the most consequential issues of our time.
Interfaith Action / Flourish Placemaking Listening Session
As Central discerns a call to partner with Interfaith Action to open our doors to a program to help migrants to Minnesota, we want to hear from YOU. After today’s congregational meeting, join us in the Friendship Room to discuss what this partnership might mean for Central and the ministry we do together. Extending Jesus' radical hospitality often means changing our ways and expectations, so we want to hear what you're excited for and what concerns you may have. In the meantime, please feel free to share your questions with Pastor Chris.
Third Sunday Lunch
Join us for another delicious catered lunch by Chef Barb Westman and her team of volunteers in the lower level dining room following worship this day.
A free will donation of $10 per adult is suggested, although no one is turned away for lack of funds to donate. Vegetarian options are available - simply speak with kitchen staff for this option.
February Fun & Fellowship
Save the date for February Fun and Fellowship on Sunday February 11, after worship in the dining room. We want to bring some fun into mid-winter with a sandwich bar, coffee, and creativity!
Join us as we have people who will help you create and have fun, including:
Bag Making - create a tote bag with donated materials and shared sewing machines.
Balloon Fun.
Paint a Rock
Make .Bracelets
Create with Model Magic - using an air drying clay.
Explore Science on a Baking Sheet!
There may be more fun things to do! If you have a craft or hobby that you would like to share that day, please contact Wendy Flinner. We are excited to share fun, fellowship and creativity during these days of winter!

Faith Formation
Does the Bible still matter? Does it make a case for social justice? And if it does, how do we read it in a way that helps us understand God’s intentions for the world? We will explore this topic, including what the Bible does (and does not) say about it, and how to read the Bible holistically to help us navigate some of the most consequential issues of our time.
Wednesday Community Lunch
Join us for a delicious catered lunch by Chef Barb Westman and her team of volunteers in the lower level dining room. Lunch is served each Wednesday from 11:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and is open to everyone. There is a suggested donation of $10 and all who are hungry are invited to eat, regardless of their ability to donate.
We accept credit card donations and offer takeout meals. Simply make the request as you enter the line. Love the breads? Most weeks there are extra loaves for a $5 donation- but get there early, they go fast!
Anti-Racism Discussion on Economic Rights
Acquiring and maintaining wealth becomes a racial issue when inheritance is interrupted - through unlawful seizure of lands, loss of property during refugee resettlement, disparity in compensation for land involved in eminent domain, or other circumstances that cause families of color to move.
Save the date for Sunday, January 28 at 11:45 a.m. to hear about potential remedies as Rev. Lou Bender, Leon Oman, and other Anti-Racism Task Force members share information and lead discussion about reparations. Included will be review of a legislative proposal in Minnesota to create a large Indian Recovery Fund through a small fee when land is bought and sold (deed tax) - something for which Central members will soon be able to advocate. If time permits, we will also do some brainstorming of other economic justice actions we can be involved in, as inspired by Pastor Chris's Adult Faith Formation talk earlier in the month.
The January 28 discussion will be held in the meeting lounge upstairs with a Zoom hybrid option available. Stay tuned to the eConnect for further details.
Wednesday Community Lunch
Join us for a delicious catered lunch by Chef Barb Westman and her team of volunteers in the lower level dining room. Lunch is served each Wednesday from 11:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and is open to everyone. There is a suggested donation of $10 and all who are hungry are invited to eat, regardless of their ability to donate.
We accept credit card donations and offer takeout meals. Simply make the request as you enter the line. Love the breads? Most weeks there are extra loaves for a $5 donation- but get there early, they go fast!
Third Sunday Lunch
Join us for a delicious catered lunch by Chef Barb Westman and her team of volunteers in the lower level dining room following worship this day.
A free will donation of $10 per adult is suggested, although no one is turned away for lack of funds to donate. Vegetarian options are available - simply speak with kitchen staff for this option.
Wednesday Community Lunch
Join us for a delicious catered lunch by Chef Barb Westman and her team of volunteers in the lower level dining room. Lunch is served each Wednesday from 11:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and is open to everyone. There is a suggested donation of $10 and all who are hungry are invited to eat, regardless of their ability to donate.
We accept credit card donations and offer takeout meals. Simply make the request as you enter the line. Love the breads? Most weeks there are extra loaves for a $5 donation- but get there early, they go fast!
Volunteer at St. Paul Opportunity Center
Volunteers are needed at the St. Paul Opportunity Center on Saturday, January 13 from 11am -1pm to serve lunch and help with meal prep.
We will need 8-10 volunteers at least 14 years old, with all required to wear closed toed shoes. Those under 18 must be supervised by an adult. The Opportunity Center is part of Catholic Charities and is located at 422 Dorothy Day Place in St. Paul.
To sign up, go to our website at www.centralforgood.org/volunteer to find the Catholic Charities link for registration.
Wednesday Community Lunch
Join us for a delicious catered lunch by Chef Barb Westman and her team of volunteers in the lower level dining room. Lunch is served each Wednesday from 11:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and is open to everyone. There is a suggested donation of $10 and all who are hungry are invited to eat, regardless of their ability to donate.
We accept credit card donations and offer takeout meals. Simply make the request as you enter the line. Love the breads? Most weeks there are extra loaves for a $5 donation- but get there early, they go fast!
Wednesday Community Lunch
Join us for a delicious catered lunch by Chef Barb Westman and her team of volunteers in the lower level dining room. Lunch is served each Wednesday from 11:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and is open to everyone. There is a suggested donation of $10 and all who are hungry are invited to eat, regardless of their ability to donate.
We accept credit card donations and offer takeout meals. Simply make the request as you enter the line. Love the breads? Most weeks there are extra loaves for a $5 donation- but get there early, they go fast!

Faith Formation
Does the Bible still matter? Does it make a case for social justice? And if it does, how do we read it in a way that helps us understand God’s intentions for the world? We will explore this topic, including what the Bible does (and does not) say about it, and how to read the Bible holistically to help us navigate some of the most consequential issues of our time.
Women's Networking Group
This day, the Women of Central will return again to the Celeste of St. Paul Hotel + Bar for our monthly networking group gathering.
Celeste is great and just across Cedar Street from Central! You can park at Central, then walk across to join us at 5:30 p.m. for yummy food and conversation. If you plan on attending, please RSVP by December 29 via email to women@centralforgood.org so that we can make a reservation for our group.
The monthly networking group is open to all women of Central and offers a wonderful opportunity to build connections with those of all ages, backgrounds, and interests!
Christmas Eve Worship with Candlelight
There will be no morning service this day, but we invite you to share in our 10:30 p.m., Christmas Eve tradition of candlelight worship service, Central Choir will sing and organist Melanie Ohnstad will play, including the playing of Silent Night.
Please note, this service will not be live-streamed due to the low lighting in the sanctuary and we will not have nursery care this day.
Christmas Eve Worship
There will be no morning service this day, but we invite you to share in one of our 4:00 p.m. Christmas Eve worship service. We will share a live Nativity scene with our children and youth as scriptures are read, with music from our section leader soloists and organist Melanie Ohnstad.
Note: There is no nursery care this day.
Wednesday Community Lunch
Join us for a delicious catered lunch by Chef Barb Westman and her team of volunteers in the lower level dining room. Lunch is served each Wednesday from 11:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and is open to everyone. There is a suggested donation of $10 and all who are hungry are invited to eat, regardless of their ability to donate.
We accept credit card donations and offer takeout meals. Simply make the request as you enter the line. Love the breads? Most weeks there are extra loaves for a $5 donation- but get there early, they go fast!